Friday, October 28, 2011

The friends and the meaning

God placed us all together in his own timing, and I cannot express how wonderful it is to have such a strong Christ centered friendship with Jamie, Nicole, and Savannah. Before I go any further please allow me (Jessica) to talk about how precious and absolutely amazing that my friends truly are, but honestly there are not really words to express how great they are. . . I will try my very best :)

Savannah and I are actually more than just friends we are first cousins. We were inseparable during our childhood. We LOVED being together (still do). We spent so many countless hours together, and whether it was time outside riding four-wheelers, fort making in the woods or at the tree house, running out naked in our grandmother’s yard spraying each other with water hoses (haha we were only little kids ha), or playing house with our American girl dolls, it did not matter because we simply loved each other’s company! As we grew older, our friendship faded because we started becoming involved in other activities and lifestyles, which kept us from one another. However, we never lost our strong bond that we formed as children. During college we became much closer!! Savannah is one of the sweetest people that I know, and she loves and cares for so many people because her heart is HUGE! Best of all she loves God and he deeply instilled into her heart!! She has been such a great Christian role model in my life. 

And here is the second connection to our amazing God bonded friendship. . .
Savannah and Nicole became really good friends through their personal blogs. They would constantly comment and e mail, text, twitter, back and forth about life, love, and everything in between! Here is a quote from one of Savannah’s personal blog posts, “My new friend, Nicole, is one of the sweetest friends I've ever had. Even though we have never "met" in real life (blog friend), we talk almost everyday and she is someone that will stop and pray for me at any moment. I'm so thankful to have her in my life! Friends are such a precious thing.” At some point over the summer, Jamie and I realized that we were all following Nicole’s blog, such a God thing!!!
Savannah nailed it because Nicole is SO precious and one of the most loving and generous people that I know. I have only “officially” known Nicole for a little over a month, but I feel like I have always known her because she has a way of opening up to you and when she does I can not help but notice just how much she loves God, it is that evident!! Jamie and I took a trip to Oxford to meet Nicole, and yes we took a leap of faith and drove 7 hours to stay with a stranger who immediately became our best friend! Nicole lays it out like it is, and she loves God so much and she has the ability to be very open with you about her faith !!

Jamie and I have been friends since freshmen year of college, we had a class together and every semester afterwards we had a class together NOT PLANNED. Our friendship has grown drastically within the last year because we share with one another about a deep connection that lies within both of our hearts, which are our personal relationships with God. This girl is my support system, and I would not be where I am today without her constant encouragement and deep investment into my life. Jamie is another huge asset to this blog because she is very strong in her faith and stands strongly in what she believes!! I could go on and on about Jamie, but there is one thing that really strikes me about Jamie and it's that SHE LOVES YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE :) !! 

Jamie and I have similar stories and we relate very well to one another, and we thought about starting a blog together before we all decided to start Fearless (Nicole and Savannah had talked about starting a blog together as well) obviously God pulled us all together for Fearless, so that is how it all got started, 

 I want to share with each of you why we call this blog Fearless.

We are God-fearing women, but we strive hard to not fear what the world throws at us. It is through God we are fearless about our faith that we share with you, but there is no way that we could stand strong alone. We give God the glory for our audaciousness to speak fearlessly to each and every one. Truly, we stand strong because God sent his One and only Son to die on the cross for our sins; so therefore, we stand strong and fearless for God because he has already overcame the world through Jesus’ act of obedience to God. God is instilled into our hearts, and want to share with you in order to be useful to the Master. In the bible we find in 2 Timothy 1:7 , “For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control (ESV), and because we have been called to write we will do so with big fearless and faithful hearts!! So there you have it, we are using this blog as our power source to spread truth about God’s love because we want you to grow and develop if you are unfamiliar the same strong passion that we have for our Heavenly Father!!! We hope that you were able to gain some insight about love this week, and we hope you will join us next week :) !!! 

Much Love to you All !!!!
& enjoy the playlist :) 


  1. I LOVE "He Love Us" I just had to listen to it three times!

    Isn't it amazing at how God works and who He brings into our lives?

  2. I love everything about this post. It's amazing how God makes connections and weaves us together and it all results in glorifying His name!

    Blessed by y'all starting this blog :)

  3. Usually I mute songs that people put on their blogs, but as soon as I heard the first note of "He Loves Us," I cranked it up! Such a great song! :)
