Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Love: Because of Jesus

Love is a feeling that has given me (Nicole) warm fuzzies since I was young.  I grew up in such a loving and affectionate family and rarely a day went by that I wasn’t hugged, kissed, or told I was loved by someone.  As I started to get a little older, friendship became an important part of everyday life.  I had girlfriends I loved dearly, and all thirteen year old girls proclaim their love for their girlfriends as much (or more) than their own families.  As I exited high school and began the steps towards college, I experienced a different kind of love.  I fell in love with a guy.
As much as affectionate, sweet, true, sincere love has been thrown my way, there have still been dark days in my life where my heart has questioned, “Does anyone really love me?”
It’s truly perplexing to me.  How can a girl who has been so deeply loved her WHOLE LIFE seem to become so insecure?
The Evil One has spoken so many lies into my heart, and I’m sad to say that I have eaten them up for far too long.  But, girls, I (and you!) don’t have to ever, ever ask ourselves the question, “Does anyone really love me?”
Because it’s been answered, and it has been answered beautifully.
I don’t know what you’re struggling with right now, but I can almost guarantee that some of you have asked the same question I have before. 
Who loves me?
As women, we deal with friendships, dating relationships, marriages, relationships with co-workers, motherhood…. and the list goes on and on and on.  Our day to day encounters with these relationships can leave us feeling empty, even though we have found so many of them to fill our hearts.  But, the one true relationship that completely satisfies the question, “Who loves me?” can be found in scripture. 
Here’s the love story of your life, girlfriends.
There was a man named Jesus.  He was born in a miraculous way, but that’s not the point.
He lived a sin-free life, but that’s not the point.
He loved having relationships, but, really, that’s not even the point.
He laid down his life for you and for me… just because of love.  Now, THAT is the point.
It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon,  for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.  Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.
Luke 23:44-46
If you’re a woman like me, you’ve grown up having these ideas about love.  Hollywood makes up these storylines of men and women who fall in love, and the man stops at nothing to “save” his girl.  Or, the song that always comes to my mind is Tim McGraw’s “Don’t Take the Girl”.  The boy risks his life for her during a mugging, and years later pleads with God to take his life instead of hers.  He’s the all-star hero.  The man who was willing to give it all for his lady.  And you know what?  I eat that up.
I want to be that girl.
I want to be loved enough that someone would stand in front of a bullet for me. 
But, sweet girls, we have been loved even more than that.  We were loved enough that our Prince Charming stood before the enemy, took a beating, and was nailed to a cross.
He did that just because he loves us.  That’s real love right there, ladies.  You don’t have to wait for your earthly prince to come riding in, or for your friends to give you the fulfillment you want, or for your children to finally love you in a way that makes you whole.
Because we’ve already been saved.  We’ve already been loved enough.  The question “Who loves me?” has already been answered.
If you’re weary from searching for love, I want you to know that your Prince Charming has already come and he saved you in the most heroic way.  He laid down his life… for you.
Wow.  He loves you.
Here are some places that you can read about your Prince’s love for you.
Mark 15:33-16:8
Matthew 27:52-28:20
Luke 23:44-24:12
John 19:29-20:18


  1. Amazing post !!! Jesus is everything and He the best prince charming I could ever hope for :) You nailed it Nicole !!! We are all loved SO much because Jesus was courageous and strong enough to lay down his life for us, so therefore; the least we can do is trust and believe in his love that He clearly made evident to us. Your words blessed me :) thank you friend !!! I love you !!!

  2. That was a good one Nicole! I know I have felt some of these same feelings.

  3. Such a great post Nicole. Your love for God is so apparent and inspiring. I am so thankful to have you as a friend. I know I struggle with this a lot & it's important to always remember we have someone who will ALWAYS love us..NO MATTER WHAT. So amazing!!

  4. I ran across this blog today, I LOVE IT! Looking forward to more posts!

    Great Post! I definitely have the same feelings, and I am so grateful that I get to trust HIM with my love and that He will always love me! You definitely nailed it!

  5. Nicole, this spoke volumes to me!! I know how much I am loved-like yourself- but sometimes still struggle. It's only at the cross that we get our true worth!

  6. Love it! I've been working on typing up my testimony for my blog (It's taking me FOREVER!! I've only done 2 parts and haven't even gotten to the salvation part yet!), and I've titled it "My Love Story with Jesus." And that's exactly what it is. :)
